An Incomplete Mandala

Mandala- An escapist’s route

When memories of separation due to death  ripple and my heart aches,

Until the lashes of the two gems on the temple  stick together and the eye bags beneath are swollen,

Perhaps I would stand during the day to look at the flowers though it rains

But the same does not happen in the night and intensifies the pain.

A word or two would comfort the broken heart

But  denial and rejection in the latest conversation from the loved ones are now an art. 

Emptiness entails, confidence betrays then  silence prevails.

A recourse to Mandala is a route to escape.


Author: Bharati

"thoughts can really bring changes ......I strongly strive for that" Bharati Baruah is a teacher by profession. She does proofreading, blog writing and creative writing. Contact at:

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